There are plenty of scary things that dwell in seas, rivers, and lakes. Thankfully, all you have to do to avoid them is not go into the water. But what if water comes to you?
Piranha-infested Water Elemental
“Lay the plank over the pond, so they think they can safely cross it, as long as they don’t fall in,” the orc giggled.
3rd level large spoiler
Initiative +3
C: Ebb and flow +8 vs PD (up to 2 attacks, each against a different nearby enemy) – 9 damage.
Natural even hit: The target pops free from other creatures and moves to engage the infested water elemental.
Piranha swarm +8 vs AC (all creatures engulfed by the infested water elemental) – 20 damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Limited use: 1/round as a quick action.
Rip current: Any creature that ends its turn engaged with the infested water elemental is engulfed (functions like a grab).
Nastier specials:
R: Projectile piranhas +8 vs AC (1d3 nearby enemies) – 7 damage.
Limited use: 1/round as a quick action, if there is no creature engulfed by the elemental.
AC 18
PD 16 HP 99
MD 13
Shark-infested Water Elemental
A shark-infested air elemental, colloquially known as “Sharknado”, if such a thing existed, is a one-way shark-delivery method. This elemental, however, acts as an adventurer-delivery method. Generally one-way, too.
5th level huge spoiler
Initiative +5
C: Ebb and flow +10 vs PD (up to 3 attacks, each against a different nearby enemy) – 17 damage.
Natural even hit: The target pops free from other creatures and moves to engage the infested water elemental.
Rip current: Any creature that ends its turn engaged with the infested water elemental is engulfed (functions like a grab).
Infestation: The shark-infested water elemental starts with 3-4 sharks infesting it. Include them as separate monsters when building this battle, though note they are weaklings and so count as half a normal monster.
Nastier specials:
Shark arms +10 vs AC (one attack per shark infesting the elemental) – 12 damage.
Miss: 1d6 damage.
Limited use: 1/round as a quick action, if there is no creature engulfed by the elemental.
Infinite sharks: At the start of each round, roll a d6. If the result is greater than the number of sharks infesting the elemental, and less or equal than the escalation die, another shark appears inside the water elemental. Where does it come from? Is there a portal to a Shark Kingdom within the elemental’s heart? Could something else come through? Could you go through it instead?
AC 20
PD 18 HP 237
MD 15
Shark Infesting Water Elemental
It seems quite happy with its living situation. At the very least, it’s smiling.
5th level weakling troop
Initiative +9
Massive jaws +10 vs AC – 12 damage.
Miss: 1d6 damage.
Shredder: When an engulfed enemy misses with a melee attack against a shark or an elemental it infests and rolls a natural 1–5, the attacker takes 2d6 damage. This happens only once, even if there are multiple sharks infesting the same elemental.
Blood in the water: The shark goes into a frenzy if there’s a staggered enemy engulfed by the elemental it is infesting, and deals extra d6 damage, hit or miss.
Symbiotic relationship: The shark gains +5 to all defenses against attacks made by enemies that are not engulfed by the elemental it infests. However, once the elemental dies the shark becomes semi-hazardous terrain at best.
AC 21
PD 19 HP 36
MD 15